An Unimpeded But A Chaotic Journey Of A Photon From The Core Of The Sun

An Unimpeded But A Chaotic Journey Of A Photon From The Core Of The Sun

Sun Diary


The diameter of the Sun is about 1.4 million kilometers and the distance between the Sun and the Earth is about 150 million kilometers. In the sun’s core, the nuclear reaction in the form of nuclear fusion releases the tiny bundle of energy and that energy is being carried by the quantum particle  known as ‘Photon’.

Journey of the photon


The photon leaves the core of the sun @ 2, 70,000 Kilometres per second, and with this speed, it should reach the Sun’s outer surface in just about three seconds. But the journey of this photon takes approximately a million years. This time span of the photon to reach the outer surface of the Sun is because of the dense, hot, huge gases in the radiation as well as the convection zone of the inner part of the Sun.


The photon must pass through the PLASMA* which is the fourth state of the matter and is only present in the stars as well as in the Sun. This ‘PLASMA’ is formed by superheated dense gases at around seven million degrees Celsius. When the matter is in the plasma state the electrons are ripped apart from the atoms.

Earthy Example


Let’s share an example of plasma that we can find on our planet- it is the ‘Lighting strike’ that we witness during thunderstorms. The other fact about the plasma is that it does not last more than a few seconds, as the electrons quickly bind and vanish away.

Plasma is an electrically charged condition of particles.  When a photon leaves the core of the Sun it gets stroked with and by the gamma rays (Plasma) losing their energy, as the plasma does not absorb the atom and then transforms into the X rays, and finally, it reaches the convection zone of the Sun.

Deeper Journey


From the Radiation zone, the photon reaches the convection zone. The photon’s journey through the convection zone takes just about a week but during this week it goes from the turbulent processes of

the temperature of about 2,03,000 degrees Celsius to 5,540 degrees Celsius. In this process, the photon finally loses more energy and gets transformed from X-rays to the visible form of light. On the outer surface of the Sun the visible format is formed, but with the sunspots.

These sunspots are the photons trapped in the Magnetic Mayhem.

The other photons are finally free to travel in space at the speed of light 3X10 8 m/s and reach our planet at about eight minutes, Saturn at eighty minutes, and Neptune at about four hours. Finally, it becomes a dwarf red dot at about 1200 hours and a speck in the universe at about a thousand years.

Our photons and many like these energy particles ignite the primal fires of life on our planet. As we are aware that in the Solar system the Sun is the governor which drives the life on the planet.


“Worshiping the powerful creator of the universe -THE SUN and its descendant, THE PHOTON, is one of the best tributes a human can offer”

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Girish Bhardwaj is a renowned wellness and sleep specialist and also a founder of Theralicht llp company which specializes in lighting consultancy, Indoor air quality consultancy, circular economy and product design.

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